Wildlife Handling Classes

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The Wildlife Science Center offers hands-on training to field professionals, animal control officers, veterinary technician students, zoo professionals, wildlife managers, and students in wildlife / veterinary related backgrounds. The three and four day Wildlife Handling Courses offer wildlife chemical immobilization training that focuses on the needs of wildlife researchers and managers. It emphasizes practical and professional equipment and techniques for organizing and conducting field operations with either physical restraint or chemical immobilization. These courses are a “must” for those in charge of wildlife, both free-ranging and resident.

Several classes are offered annually through the Center for Wildlife Studies. Please check our Upcoming Events page, or the available courses through the Center for Wildlife Studies to see current course offerings. WSC also works with individual colleges and agencies to host private classes. Please email us or fill out our Contact Us form to schedule yours.


Courses provide the opportunity to learn drugs and their effects, legal responsibilities, responses to veterinary emergencies, drug delivery systems and other capture methods, and handling techniques. Today, wildlife professionals must work under higher standards than ever before; there is no substitute for Natural Resources, and wildlife professionals from Canada to Japan have attended these classes to hone their skills to the level required when working with wildlife that may be dangerous, endangered or high profile. Both the inexperienced and the experienced (e.g. Yellowstone National Park’s Gray Wolf Recovery Team, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources) have taken wildlife handling classes at WSC. Contact us to learn more.