Eastern Screech Owl
Megascops asio
Length: Adults can be 6 to 10 inches high, with a wingspan of 19 to 24 inches.
Weight: Adults vary in weight from 3 to 8 ounces.
Color: This owl comes in two color phases: gray and red. Both color phases have pale yellow eyes and beak.
Sounds: Eastern screech owls have a high pitched scream, quavering whistle that goes down the scale.
Range: This small, “eared” owl ranges from eastern to central USA. In Minnesota, they inhabit the central and southwestern parts of the state. They may be found in open woods and wood lots, field edges, orchards, farms, along streams and in towns and suburbs.
Diet: Eastern screech owls are opportunistic predators. They’ll prey on whatever they can find, including insects (particularly beetles), small mammals, birds, and worms. They may also hunt fish, amphibians and small reptiles.
Status: Least Concern (population increasing).
Red phase Eastern Screech Owl. Image from Delaware DNR (DNREC.Delaware.gov).
Adult Eastern Screech Owl tail feathers (red and gray morphs). Image from AllAboutBirds.org
Reproduction: These owls are cavity nesters, utilizing natural tree cavities, abandoned woodpecker nests, or nest boxes. Pairs may be seen together at nest sites as early as the first week of February, and the first eggs (usually three to four) may be laid in early to mid-March. The incubation period is about 26 days, and the fledgling period is from 30 to 32 days.
Adaptations: Eastern screech owls have ear-tufts (or “horns”) on the top of their heads. These are specialized feathers used for displaying/visual communication. They also aid in the animal's camouflage by breaking up the animal's outline in the wild, making it more difficult for predators to identify their presence. They play no role in the owl's ability to hear.
About 33% of all owl species have ear-tufts. Eastern screech owls are the smallest tufted owl; they are about the size of an American robin.
Eastern Screech Owl range. Image from AllAboutBirds.org.